Monday 16 July 2012

Latest additions to my collection

The Collection of 1940s 1950s scouting memorabilia
The 1940s Boy Scout Hat
The First Keswick Scout Flag

A 1940s Printed Kings Scout Badge.

This week has been a good week for amazing finds. A 1st Keswick Scout Group flag complete with pole and finial. A Boy Scout hat and a collection of 1940s early 50s Scouting items belonging to one Scout - A uniform with a printed Kings Scout Badge, Record Cards with Rowallan's signature on the Senior Scout Record Card, a Print of BP in a frame, a selection of photographs a few from a kings scout parade at Windsor reviewed by the Queen Mother (then Queen Elizabeth), 30 various District and County Badges, a Weatherman's Badge, Scouting Books and a few more interesting items.